Ewha Womans University Scranton College

International Studies


Chin Sei Jeong

Detail Info

  • [Profile]
    Sei Jeong Chin is a historian of modern China, specializing in history of media, and political and social history in 20th century China. She is currently working on a book manuscript on the historical transformation of media culture and its impact on the making and unmaking of the dissent in the 20th century China. Her new project explores Chinese domestic and international propaganda during the Korean War (1950-1953) and Cold War culture in East Asia. 
    She received her B.A. and M.A. from Ewha Womans University, and Ph.D. from Harvard University. She worked as a visiting assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the U.S.(2007-2008) and taught various courses on Chinese history. During her graduate years at Harvard, she spent a year in China as a visiting scholar at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and did her field research in various cities including Shanghai, Suzhou, Nanjing, Chongquing in China and Taibei in Taiwan. She was a visiting scholar at Harvard-Yenching Institute in 2016-2017.  
    Ph.D. Harvard University, Chinese History 
    M.A. Ewha Womans University, Chinese History 
    B.A. Ewha Womans University, History 
    [Selected Publication] 
    'Understanding China''s News Media in a Historical Perspective.' In the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History. Ed. David Ludden. New York: Oxford University Press, January 2019.
    “Institutional Origins of the Media Censorship in China: The Making of the Socialist Media Censorship System in 1950s Shanghai,” Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 27-114 (November 2018).
    “The politics of the Shanghai courts: the state, local elites, and social networks in Nationalist China, 1927–1937,” Journal of Modern Chinese History, 11-1 (2017) 
    “Print Capitalism, War, and the Remaking of the Mass Media in 1930s China,” Modern China, 40-4 (2014). 
    “The Historical Origins of Nationalization of Newspaper Industry in Modern China: A Case Study of the Structural Transformation of the Shanghai Newspaper Industry, 1927-1953,” China Review (Fall, 2013).
    “Shanghai Media Culture under the Japanese Occupation, 1941-1945 (Rijun zhanlingxia de shanghaimeitiwenhua de zhuanbian日军占领下的上海媒体文化的转变,1941-1945),” The Studies of Anti-Japanese War抗日战争研究, Dec. 2010. (in Chinese) 
    “Creating New Socialist Citizens: Practices of Collective Newspaper Reading in 1950s Shanghai (사회주의적 시민 만들기: 1950년대 초기 중국의 집단적 신문 읽기의 관행),” Journal of Modern Chinese History (Joongguk gunhyundaesa yongu), Vol. 44 (December 2009) (in Korean)
    “Politics of Trial, the News Media and Social Network in Nationalist China: The New Life Weekly Case, 1935,”Jean Oi and Nara Dillon Eds. At the Crossroads of Empires: Middlemen, Social Networks, and State-Building in Republican Shanghai (Stanford University Press, 2007) 
    [Selected Papers and Presentations]
    “The Anti-Rightist Campaign as Media Event in China, 1957-1958: Censorship, Political Dissent, and Media in 1950s China,” Lunch Talk, Harvard-Yenching Institute, October 20, 2016. 
    “The Making of the Socialist Media Censorship System in 1950s Shanghai,” Invited Talk, Council on East Asian Studies, Yale University, November 9, 2016. 
     “China’s International Propaganda during the Korean War: the Case of the Germ-Warfare Allegation against the US,” AAS-in-Asia, Singapore, July, 17-19, 2014. 
    [Teaching Interests]
    East Asian History and Civilization 
    China in the World Since 1900
    Special Topics in Asian Studies: State, Society and Law in Modern China 
    Contemporary Issues in East Asia