Ewha Womans University Scranton College

International Studies


Lee Seok Weon

Detail Info

  • [Profile]
    Seok Weon Lee received his B.A. degree from the Yonsei University (Economics) and Ph.D. degree from the University of Texas at Dallas (Finance). His previous careers include a senior economist at the KDIC (Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation) and a fund professor at Yonsei Business school. Before joining to Ewha Division of International Studies, he was an assistant professor at the department of finance and insurance, Soonchunhyang University. He is interested in various areas in finance and has published numerous articles in leading international journals. He has taught financial management, corporate finance, quantitative analysis and international finance, and so forth.
    Ph.D. University of Texas at Dallas, Finance
    B.A. Yonsei University, Economics
    Selected publication
    [Teaching interests]
    Financial Management
    Corporate Finance
    Quantitative Analysis
    International Finance