Ewha Womans University Scranton College



2023-1 Global Korean Studies Graduation Exam/Thesis Registration

  • Scranton

       2023-1 International Studies Graduation Exam/Thesis Registration

※Graduation Exam &Thesis Registration Period: APRIL 10(MON) -APRIL 28(FRI) 17:00

 To register: https://forms.gle/BHHnw2X7o8bQQ3Qj8

** If you are planning to postpone your exam/thesis, please register  

※IS Graduation Exam for 2023-1

   1. Examinees : Full time enrolled students who have attended 7th or more semesters. 

   2. 1st exam : 2023 MAY 9th(TUE) 18:30-19:30(6:30 p.m - 7:30 p.m.)  (60 min)


3. Test venue : Internatinal Education Building #702 (Offline)

   4.  Subject : Select one of “International Business/Economics,” “International Relations”  

          1) International Business/Economics

               * Please prepare focusing on courses that are recognized as International Business &Economics [BE] concentration.

           2) International Relations

             * Please prepare focusing on courses that are recognized as the International Law &Diplomacy [LD] concentration.

   5. Passing mark : 60/100  

   6. Make-up exam:2023 MAY 23th (TUE)  exam time will be notified later(only for those who failed the first exam)

※Application for Graduation Thesis

  - Qualification : Full time enrolled students who have attended 7th or more semesters with cumulative GPA of 3.50

                            or above 

  - Deadlines 

    1) Thesis Proposal: MAY 9th (TUE), by 17:00 (in attached format)  

    2) Final Thesis: MAY 23th (TUE),by 17:00

  ** Please consult with your thesis mentor professor regarding your thesis format etc.

- Submission: DIS Office (IEB 707),

Please submit your final thesis online to dis@ewha.ac.kr AND printed form to the office

  ** If you have any questions, please feel free to contact at 02-3277-6593, dis@ewha.ac.kr